RecoverIND (eng.)

Ecological and innovative technologies for the remediation of industrial sites from the point of view of building life cycle and energy efficiency

The rapid increase in energy consumption worldwide has resulted in increasingly stringent environmental regulations. This is also observed in recent European directives, which lead to a reduction in the environmental impact of energy and an increase in energy efficiency.

The construction industry has a major impact on the environment. The construction sector is responsible for 36% of the world's final energy consumption and almost 40% of the total direct and indirect CO2 emissions. There is therefore a need to start calculating these emissions and the environmental impact of both new and existing buildings.

Industrial plants use energy intensive systems for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting etc. Industrial buildings play an important role in the use of energy and natural resources.

It is important to start implementing carbon footprint analyses in the education sector, research on material efficiency in industrial areas through life cycle assessment and the use of renewable energy sources to meet the energy needs of industrial buildings.
The need for energy renovation of industrial buildings will help a lot in implementing in education the use of new technologies such as thermal imaging cameras, laser scanners and drones, the combination of BIM and LCA.



Meeting of the RecoverIND Project
IT production of RecoverIND Interactive Flashcards for HE and VET
Comparative study on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of construction materials for industrial buildings in the participant countries
Report on the results of First International Seminar in Poznan

Meeting: Exchange of experience with VED school teachers
Presentation of the activities of the Poznan University of Technology
Adapting innovative ideas of sustainable construction and universal design in curricula
Selected aspects of digitalisation in the construction sector in the context of international cooperation and cooperation with industry
New technologies in the design and maintenance of buildings
International cooperation in the field of vocational training and digitalisation in secondary and higher education

Meeting of the RecoverIND Project
Sustainable construction methods and procedures used with new tech
IT production of RecoverIND Interactive Flashcards for HE and VET  

Meeting PUT & ZSB Rybaki
Ecological and Innovative technologies for recovering industrial areas from LCA and Energy Efficiency point of view

Meeting of the RecoverIND Project
Comparative study on the normative for appliance of the new technologies in the built environment

Meeting PUT & ZSB Rybaki
Ecological and Innovative technologies for recovering industrial areas from LCA and Energy Efficiency point of view

Meeting PUT & ZSB Rybaki
Ecological and Innovative technologies for recovering industrial areas from LCA and Energy Efficiency point of view

Kick-off meeting of the RecoverIND Project

RecoverIND project goals

  • increased awareness of environmental impacts and climate change
  • the use of advanced technologies in building design and structural refurbishment
  • deepening the link between energy efficiency and building life cycle analysis
  • transferring information between new interdisciplinary data acquisition technologies, BIM and LCA
  • disseminating knowledge on new technologies for energy renovation in industrial buildings
  • dissemination and updating of knowledge in the education sector


  • Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov (Rumunia)
  • Universidad de Sevilla (Hiszpania)
  • Asociación Empresarial de Investigación Centro Tecnológico del Mármol, Piedra y Materiales (Hiszpania)
  • Asociatia Romania Green Building Council (Rumunia)
  • Poznan University of Technology (Poland)
  • Fundatia pentru Formare Profesionala si Invatamant Preuniversitar Viitor (Rumunia)
  • Construction School Complex No. 1 Poznan (Poland)



  • Establishment of common learning outcomes for the redevelopment of industrial sites using new technologies, life cycle assessment (LCA) and relevant regulations
  • Comparative study of the standard for the application of new technologies in the built environment
  • Sustainable construction methods and procedures applied to new technologies
  • Comparative study on life cycle assessment (LCA) of construction materials in industrial buildings
  • RecoverIND course programme based on environmental challenges and new technologies for higher and vocational education
  • Interactive FlashCards for higher education and vocational education and training
  • Technical testing and implementation of IT enhancements of interactive FlashCards
  • Preparation of open educational resources


Poznan University of Technology:
Project homepage: