Zapraszamy na wykład pt. Risk-based Design for Terrorist Threats to Infrastructure: How Safe are We?
który wygłosi Prof. Mark Stewart z University of Technology Sydney.
Miejsce wydarzenia 4 lipca o godz. 10:00 w sali 402, budynek Centrum Mechatroniki.

Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the Centre for Built Infrastructure Resilience at UTS, Mark Stewart is an international leader in risk assessment, public policy decision making, and protective infrastructure for extreme hazards. He is a leading expert in engineering risk assessment and probabilistic methods applied to a wide range of infrastructure/engineering systems, including climate change.
Consulted by Australian and US defence and terrorism experts, he has presented cutting edge risk analyses, including rational expenditure of public funds.
His ideas have been presented in five seminal books and many scientific and engineering papers, and has brought engineering and scientific expertise into the public policy domain.
He has more than 35 years of experience in probabilistic risk and vulnerability assessment of infrastructure and security systems that are subject to man-made and natural hazards.
Prior to joining UTS in 2022 Mark was Professor and Director of the Centre for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability at The University of Newcastle.
He is Editor-in-Chief of Structural Safety, the leading journal in structural risk and reliability analysis.