The Institute of Structural Analysis conducts services in the field of:
- destructive and non-destructive testing of building materials and elements
- strength tests of sandwich panels in accordance with PN-EN 14509
- research and expertise of the technical condition of buildings and structures
- scientific and technical studies on building structures and structural elements
- numerical calculations of structures and computer simulations of mechanical, thermal and humidity processes
- designing structures in the field of civil engineering
- designing repairs and reinforcements of structures and renovations of buildings and structures
- construction optimization
- application of numerical methods and computer techniques supporting design
- organization of specialized studies and post-graduate courses as well as training (e.g. in the field of applying new standards, new technologies, computer techniques and others - also on behalf of companies)
- ballistic tests
- analysis of the structure subjected to explosive loads
- explosive research and testing centre for public and structural safety and certification
For quotations and orders, please contact Mrs. Elżbieta Czarnecka < elzbieta.czarnecka@put.poznan.pl > tel. (61) 665 2985